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Name Changes

Diploma Name Change Request Form

This information applies to current students only. If you need to request a diploma containing a new or updated name, please see Diploma Reprint Requests for more information.

Viewing and Changing Diploma Name

Name Adjustments and Accents 

  • WSU Graduations can make spelling adjustments to First and Middle names.
  • Diploma names are what appear on the Commencement program for students.
  • Accents can be added to First, Middle and Last names.
  • Accents will NOT show in myWSU, only on the diploma itself.
  • All changes made by WSU Graduations apply only to the name printed on the diploma, and the commencement program (if submitted prior to the graduation application deadline), and will not reflect on the transcript.
  • First and Middle Name changes can be viewed under Profile Information.





Name Changes
WSU Graduations